Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You Guys Give Up Yet? Or Are You Thirsty For More?

Ever wonder why Satan even bothers when in the long term, its inevitable that God wins?  We're pretty sure everyone has wondered this at some point.  Just how arrogant, prideful, and ignorant to reality must one be to think he can ever overcome his own Creator?
Its obvious that the banksters involved in the gold and silver cartel are cut from the same mold as their father.

By going to great efforts to smash down the rise of gold and silver, the banksters are EXACERBATING THEIR OWN PROBLEMS!
How so?  The silver vigilantes are long term holders of the physical asset who will not sell anywhere near current prices.  This community has a complete understanding of silver's strong long term fundamentals.  As such, any sharp, drastic reductions in the price of silver are met by joyful, 2-fisted buying, only compared by the glee exhibited by a 5-year-old on Christmas morning.  
The silver vigilantes purchase physical silver with a long term perspective.  Short term severe price manipulations downward allow these investors to purchase MANY MANY more physical ounces than their fiat dollars could purchase without said take-down.  This was seen in 2008, and can be seen again in May 2011.   Far from quaking in fear and dumping their holdings during silver take-downs, the silver vigilantes SUBSTANTIALLY INCREASE THE SIZE OF THEIR PURCHASES!
Just how long will these geniuses continue discharging their automatic .50 Browning M2's into their feet?
SilverDoctors has stated repeatedly that one day soon The CME Group will have increased margins so much that they require longs to use 100% cash.  The cartel can hike margins to 100%, they can even repeat their last resort used against the Hunt brothers and declare "liquidation only", and it will not matter.  Victory is impossible for the cartel because they are fighting with paper, while silver vigilantes continue purchasing all available PHYSICAL SILVER.
The cartel reminds us of Army generals who are 100% prepared to win the LAST war. 

Blythe, Jamie, Bernank, Turbo Tim and friends, keep throwing your grey paper at us, we appreciate it.  We'll continue taking the REAL stuff off the shelves of our local coin shop, APMEX, Ganesville Coins, etc.

You Guys Give Up Yet? Or Are You Thirsty For More?

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