Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Martin Armstrong: The Silver Crash of 2011?

For those playing the paper markets, the last week has taught many a lesson.  "The future may be bullish long term, but the short term can kill you! This is why it is critical to purchase PHYSICAL SILVER BULLION, which is outside the jurisdiction of the cartel's games.

While the silver pundits have been celebrating last week's silver sell-off as if God's 2 witnesses themselves were lying dead in the streets, Martin Armstrong writes that silver's critical long term support lies at $23.50-$26.50.  Only a MONTHLY CLOSE BELOW $23.50 would signify a long-term change in trend (just an FYI for you banksters reading SilverDoctors, the long-term trend is UP).
Major support is found at $28, and Armstrong believes that a close below $28 will signal a decline into 2012.
For those looking for silver to rally immediately, Armstrong believes that were silver to bottom in early June, it would be a major long term BULLISH signal. 

The Silver Crash of 2011?

Click here for Martin Armstrong's Latest, The Silver Crash of 2011?