Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Silver Likely to Drop to around $31?

$31.oo silver? I hope so. You have to love the mass media these days. A nice long article of HoopLa via CNBC Silver Likely to Drop to Around $31 an Ounce: Charts
Here is the best piece of the article,
"However, some traders are asking if this is not also similar to market manipulation where prices are impacted by the activity of participants to achieve a desired effect. They argue that a gradual increase in margin is fair and reasonable, but the multiple increases in margin requirements in the last seven days smacks of a more active intervention in the market in a way designed to impact prices." 
 YES, Yes!!!

The article goes on and fails to answer why multiple increases in margin requirements would not effect prices, compares it to the Hunt Brothers

and how increasing margin requirements were implemented in that scenario which burst the bubble, and then the author draws a correlation to the end of a speculative bubble now???

This is not a speculative bubble. What we our seeing in the market is a transition out of paper money. Sell-off was overdue but was brought on by outrageous margin requirement increases. While increase margin requirements may be necessary, a well-run business would have implemented them over a longer time period.


The Rest of the Article