The paper shenanigans continued this morning, as 12,428 paper silver contracts were traded in a span of only 5 minutes at approximately 9:20-9:25 am today. That's 62.14 million ounces of paper silver in 5 minutes crushing silver from $33.02 to $32.54....or 12.42 million ounces of paper a minute! And it gets worse.
Over a span of 50 minutes from 8:40 to 9:30am EST this morning, a total of 87,250 contracts traded hands, or 436,250,000 ounces- nearly the entire open interest in silver!
With an open interest of 112,424 contracts, this means that 78% of the COMEX open interest, and MORE THAN 1/2 OF WORLD PHYSICAL ANNUAL PRODUCTION changed hands in under an hour this morning!
The tail (paper markets) have BECOME THE DOG!