Monday, June 20, 2011

Post the Silver Viral Project Forum on Your Blog/Website

The Silver Viral Project continues to grow, slowly but surely.  Keep attacking the paper silver bugs and convince them to go physical- keep those links coming on the forum!

Doc was contacted today by the editor of a gold and silver magazine who wishes to do an article promoting the Silver Viral Project in his magazine.  He also writes for several newspapers.  We need more great exposure like this if we wish to make this campaign successful! Please contact us if you would like to help promote the Silver Viral Project in any way.

For those who have their own website/blog, the Silver Viral Project forum can be embedded in your own site, and comments entered on your site will appear on the main forum on as well.

Readers wishing to assist in the Silver Viral Project by embedding the forum onto their site can do so using the following HTML code:

<a id="nabblelink" href="
">Silver Viral Project</a>
<script src=""></script>

You can embed the code on a page, or even a blog post, and it will appear like this:

Silver Viral Project

If you haven't registered yet for the SVP, register now and start taking silver viral!