Doc has been long gold and silver since 2001, when he entered gold at $278 and silver at $4.75. Even after seeing silver hit a 10-bagger from his initial investment in early 2011, The Doc remains a stronger silver bull than ever. He is the lead commentator on SilverDoctors.com providing insight on market breaking precious metal news.
BullRun Vice President, SilverDoctors.com

Mr. M Guest Post Commentary, Head of Silver Viral Project
“The revolution will be televised. Buy silver, break the bank.”
-Mr. M
For the last 37 years AGXIIK has been in the finance, banking and credit field. He was the top loan officer with two of the largest commercial business lenders in the country after a 5 year stint with the premier commercial credit reporting agency in the world.
In 1992 he left this position with a community bank to start his own business in the field of brokering business loans to startup and expanding companies on the west coast. This remains his present occupation but with the current economic events in the world today, AGXIIK devotes half his time to the studying and writing about present economic issues and how they relate to the precious metals markets, personal financial safety and measures people can take to insure their well being.
As an avid reader of Silver Doctors and committed member of the 'all in' ownership of silver and gold he started buying in 2009 when silver was $18 and gold was $1,100. Posting regularly on subjects ranging from PM prices to the Euro crisis, lending and credit, he' ramped up his studies of these markets to provide topical conversation for Silver Doctor readers. His article, "Preparing for the Worst" is a must read prepping document on SilverDoctors.com.