Monday, June 20, 2011

Society is Suffering From Change Blindness

Guest Post: New Hampshire Man Lights Himself On Fire To Protest America's Decline


This truly shows that the Amerika Sitizenz, and the Media Monster especially, are deliberately refusing to see the reality around them. Not to say that the reality is 'bad', but when it has to come to a man literally catching himself on fire, not metaphorically, literally setting his body on fire in public, and nobody seems to want to talk about this....that's not necessarily 'good.' And, not addressing the issue will make it really 'bad.'

The Elephants are getting so big in the living room, its impressive that people can still manage to watch the news around those damn things.

Society is so afraid of the uncertainty of the future, that they refuse to notice the happenings. Psychological Change Blindness is rampant. This is not an isolated event, but if it comes to the MM covering the story, it will turn out to be some maniac with a smear campaign on the internet.

This is a huge reason for my participation and the creation of the Silver Viral Project. Because people need this stuff crammed down their throats, and they deserve, and we deserve that they know what is happening.

The masses will be unconformed, informed and unignored.

Our message is clear:

Be Smart. Preserve your Wealth.

Flip the Fiat Tables.

Give Power Back to the Masses.

Fight Back by Changing the Game.

Silver Virality is just the beginning.

More Viral Campaigns will crop up if we prove this structure to be effective. And, it can be. The potential is here.

Agents Unite.
