*Andrew Maguire: I am confident the outcome of the CFTC's silver investigation will be positive and some of the culprits will be called to task.
*Maguire: why blow the whistle on something so lucrative? I could decipher their code. But after 2008 it struck me how wrong this was... hardship and conflict for real people caused by manipulation, while traders high-fived each other at my pub.
*Maguire: Small size of silver market makes footprints of manipulators very clear. Ted Butler had been denouncing it for years.
*Maguire: The day after my testimony I was victim of hit and run accident. I had to undergo surgery. The police let off the attacker with a slap on the wrist and just a fine and a few points off his license.
*Maguire: journalists received very strong pressures not to publish stories on CFTC testimony.
*Maguire: BBC spent months filming documentary on silver manipulation... guess what? it was killed