Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sorcha Faal, Disinformation?

We have removed the story we posted last night reporting DSK had been framed for discovering Fort Knox is empty after questions arose as to the validity of the source, supposed Russian Intelligence agent Sorcha Faal.
A google search of Sorcha Faal reveals this:

There is no such person as “Sorcha Faal, Russian academic” “Sorcha Faal” is actually David Booth, an American computer programmer “Sorcha” is alleged to be a Russian academic but there is absolutely no record of anyone with such a name in Russian academia. These periodic eruptions have absolutely no basis in any kind of fact or reality and are typical of the nonsense bespangling the internet.

SilverDoctors took the report down since the source is questionable- we don't want to be involved in hyping news that is questionable in validity.  Personally however, I'm not convinced the story isnt true...what better way to completely discredit a story than to leak it yourself under the name of a mistrusted individual.  Clinton's campaign did it all the time by intentionally giving scoops to the tabloids so the MSM would avoid the story like the plague. 
Regardless, whether DSK became privy to the information or not, we do find it highly likely that Fort Knox does not hold all the gold it is officially recorded as holding.
-The Doc