Thursday, February 16, 2012

John Embry: “The Current Financial System Will Be Totally Destroyed“

Sprott Asset Management's John Embry talks with Matterhorn Asset Management's Lars Schall about the manipulation of the gold and silver markets, how gold is about the furthest thing from a bubble he can think of, and caps off the interview with a statement that
The current financial system, as we know it, will be totally destroyed, probably sooner rather than later.

We couldn't agree more with Mr. Embry.

Who are the ones that don’t like a free gold market and which objectives do they have in mind by preventing a free gold market?
John Embry: The western governments, their central banks and the allied bullion banks are the culprits. They view gold as a mortal enemy of the fiat currency system. Gold has been real money for centuries and every paper money system in history has ultimately collapsed. This drives them to continuously denigrate and manipulate gold.

Through which tools is the gold price “managed“?
John Embry: The worst damage occurs in the so-called paper gold market where derivatives, naked shorting, vicious margin hikes, etc. are employed to fleece the long side who don’t have as deep pockets. In addition, the western central banks have supplied the physical gold necessary to effect the plan through their leasing.

Are gold swap arrangements between central banks a) important for the “management“ of the gold price, and b) do they represent a means of intervention in the gold market?
John Embry: They are most certainly important because it allows central bankers to technically tell the truth because it is always another central bank that is utilizing the swapped gold to intervene in the market.  It is a subterfuge.

Do you think the Western central banks have as much gold as they claim they have?
John Embry: I strongly suspect that they have materially less than they try to represent. The IMF permits a one line entry on their balance sheets which aggregates physical gold with gold receivables. That’s ridiculous and it is done to deceive analysts. For example, if the Americans had the 8,161 tonnes that they say they have, they would be delighted to submit to an outside audit and shut their detractors up. However, they stonewall all requests....

Is the silver market also subject of surreptitious interventions?
John Embry: Without question. In many ways it may be worse because it is a smaller market and J.P. Morgan Chase’s activities have been egregious. The fact that the CFTC has been investigating this for nearly four years without resolution is one of the great jokes of all time.

Click here for entire transcript of John Embry's interview with Matterhorn Asset Management