Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Guest Post: Sprott is the Tsunami!

From SD reader Cleburne61:

Forget Spain's surging yields, forget Super Mario in Italy, forget the $1.2 billion doubling of the fraud of MF Global, forget even the news of global QE...
If Sprott removes between 40 and 50 million oz of physical silver off the market in one's game over for our favorite banks. Last time his offering tripled the price of silver in 8 months, and a double portion of physical removal would KO these Corzine wannabes, and leave the world's banksters in a smoking pile of derivative-tinted ashes.

Now, I've spoken about Wynter Benton before (although I admit, I don't know if they're legit or not)...but has anyone given thought to the idea...that WB could've just been MF'ed Globally? 
Just like, say, ohhh Gerald Celente....or hmm, maybe Turd Ferguson?  Guys, real or not, fact or fantasy, the truth is, neither I nor you have "behind the scenes info" on WB, right? Whatever you think about WB is your belief, nothing more. Same goes for me.
MF Global was a 9/11 financial market event, a sneak attack that no one saw coming,
If they're not real, no harm no foul. If they are real (who the hell knows), cut them some slack.

Futhermore, the news on Sprott's new filing is the news of the month!  Forget Spain's surging yields, forget Super Mario in Italy, forget the $1.2 billion doubling of the fraud of MF Global, forget even the news of global QE...
If Sprott removes between 40 and 50 million oz of physical silver off the market in one's game over for our favorite banks. Last time his offering tripled the price of silver in 8 months, and a double portion of physical removal would KO these Corzine wannabes, and leave the world's banksters in a smoking pile of derivative-tinted ashes.
The only thing that stands in his way now, is the pending approval of the offering by the regulators. Let's pray that they don't pull a fast one, and deny him the ability to initiate this offering. If I were the enemy, this is where I'd fight tooth and nail- the enemy had better treat this offering like the Waterloo that it is.
I've been waiting months for this, and I will relish it when/if it commences. This also proves Kid Dynamite's attacks on Eric are bull****, and that he's been keen on taking more silver off the market. The time just wasn't right....
Clock's ticking, muthas! Sure hope you can collapse 10 more MF Globals in the next 2 months to come up with the goods!