Readers concerned over the "study" reported by the MSM over the past week linking vitamin supplements to higher death rates need to understand that this was a SURVEY STUDY (observational- which statistically cannot be used to PROVE anything), FUNDED by ADVERTISING FOR BIG PHARMA (which was NOT REPORTED as a BIAS in the study) the RESULTS were CHERRY-PICKED by the authors and the MSM.
The study's results section actually indicated that the hazard ratio was negative meaning a decreased risk of death was associated for Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Selenium, and Zinc, and the results were ALTERED TWICE in order to squeeze out some data indicating that vitamin supplements can cause death.
This study is worse than a JOKE. The fact that it is so ridiculously FLAWED would label it as a joke by the medical field if it evaluated any patented medication- but the fact that the results were also altered so BLATANTLY means it would be better described as MASSIVE FRAUD.
Statistics can be manipulated to prove literally ANYTHING- provided the reader does not have an understanding of statistics, or take the time to examine how they were used to obtain the studies' results.
For those who have even a basic understanding of statistics, and especially ALL OF OUR READERS WITH PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL BACKGROUNDS, please take time to evaluate the study for yourself, which was published in:
"Dietary Supplements and Mortality Rate in Older Women" - Arch Intern Med. 2011;171(18):1625-1633