Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back Month Silver Backwardation Continues to Increase

Back month backwardation in the silver market continues to worsen over the past week.
Front month (Sept 11) contracts settled Wednesday at $41.699, and are trading in contango through the Sep 2012 contracts.
Backwardation begins with the Dec 2012 contract, and continues to widen until the July 2016 contract, which settled at $40.336, a $1.363 discount to front months.
The fact that silver remains in contango for roughly a year out from front months indicates that traders are not yet pricing in an imminent default of the silver COMEX, but beyond 12 months out traders begin to increasingly lose confidence that silver will remain to satisfy longs standing for delivery.

(new readers can view our explanation of contango vs. backwardation here, and backwardation's implications here)

Daily Settlements for Silver Futures (PRELIMINARY)Trade Date: 08/31/2011

Settle Estimated
Prior Day
Open Interest
SEP 11

41.699 1,737 3,194
OCT 11

41.715 386 365
NOV 11

41.727 - -
DEC 11

41.768 30,606 76,380
JAN 12

41.785 1 203
MAR 12

41.790 487 7,621
MAY 12

41.786 41 2,333
JLY 12

41.782 19 1,994
SEP 12

41.766 141 396
DEC 12

41.698 57 8,605
JAN 13

41.670 - 1
MAR 13

41.606 - 440
MAY 13

41.556 - 40
JLY 13

41.486 - 2,205
DEC 13

41.371 15 6,429
JLY 14

41.138 - 232
DEC 14

41.011 - 1,201
JLY 15

40.776 - 156
DEC 15

40.561 - 527
JLY 16

40.336 45 53

33,535 112,375