Friday, June 24, 2011

Surveillance Drone Crashes into Fukushima Reactor No. 2

Just when you thought the Fukushima nuclear disaster couldn't get any more surreal, like a B-rated Hollywood flick, events keep becoming more unbelievable.
Dow Jones reports today that a surveillance drone airplane has crashed into Fukushima reactor No. 2.
Well, on the plus side, at least it crashed into one of the reactors that has already suffered a complete melt-through, right?
In other news, SilverDoctors is starting an office pool on the time-frame to the asteroid strike.

The company said there didn't appear to be any damage from the impact of the vehicle, with no fire or smoke observed following the accident. It wasn't known if the vehicle was damaged in any way.

Tepco spokesman Junichi Matsumoto said that due to its small size and weight, the drone is "unlikely to crash through the rooftop and damage the reactor."

Tepco said it may attempt to retrieve the unit using a long crane.

The No. 2 unit is the only one of the four affected reactors to retain its roof following explosions at units 1, 3 and 4 that destroyed much of their outer buildings