Tuesday, May 10, 2011

8 Billion Ounces of Paper Silver Traded Hands on the Comex Last Week

We have detailed repeatedly how COMEX inventories are down to 33 million ounces of physical silver.  With 33 million ounces of physical silver, an unimaginable 8 billion ounces of paper silver traded hands on the COMEX LAST WEEK!  This is 242 times the physical silver COMEX inventory, and 8 TIMES TOTAL ANNUAL SILVER SUPPLY

This is why you should not be waiting for a further drop in silver prices, any physical silver you can exchange for fiat US dollars is a screaming buy!  One day soon, all 8 billion of those paper ounces will suddenly be competing for the remaining 33 million ounces of REAL SILVER left on the COMEX. 
Can you picture The Hoover Dam attempting to force itself into a garden hose?  Hows that for explosive?
