Thursday, April 21, 2011

Radiation Levels Decreasing, Per TEPCO Data

We understand these numbers are given by TEPCO, so take them with a grain of salt, but radiation readings in the water and air at Fukushima have been steadily decreasing somewhat over the past week. 
Yesterday's readings are substantially improved over the numbers released last Saturday.  If accurate, these readings are excellent news- it's about time.

For full daily readings, see NHK's Science and Culture Dept:

Radiation measured in the waters and air ( Fukushima Plant )

April 20, 2011 (Wednesday)
Radiation measured in the waters and air near the No.1 Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant (Source: Tokyo Electric Power Co. TEPCO) 

【No.1 Plant : Radioactive substances detected in the waters 】 
▼From samples collected 30 meters north of the outlets of the Unit 5-6 at 14:20 April 19.
        Iodine 131:   0.39 Bq/cc (9.8 times the limit)
        Cesium 134: 0.26 Bq/cc (4.3 times the limit)
        Cesium 137: 0.27 Bq/cc (3.0 times the limit)
▼From samples collected 330 meters south of the outlets of the Unit 1-4 at 14:00 April 19.
        Iodine 131:   0.31 Bq/cc (7.8 times the limit)
        Cesium 134: 0.50 Bq/cc (8.3 times the limit)
        Cesium 137: 0.51 Bq/cc (5.7 times the limit)
 the limit :   the limit set for water outside the environmental monitoring area

Radiation measured in the waters and air ( Fukushima Plant )

April 16, 2011 (Saturday)

Radiation measured in the waters and air near the No.1 Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant  (Source: Tokyo Electric Power Co. TEPCO)
【No.1 Plant : Radioactive substances detected in the waters 】 
▼From samples collected 30 meters north of the outlets of No.5-No.6 reactors at 08:50 April 15.
        Iodine 131:   1.9 Bq/cc (48 times the limit)
        Cesium 134: 1.9 Bq/cc (32 times the limit)
        Cesium 137: 2.0 Bq/cc (22 times the limit)
▼From samples collected 330 meters south of the outlets of No.1-No.4 reactors at 08:30 April 15.
        Iodine 131:   0.72 Bq/cc (18 times the limit)
        Cesium 134: 0.89 Bq/cc (15 times the limit)
        Cesium 137: 0.88 Bq/cc (9.8 times the limit)

 the limit :  the limit set for water outside the environmental monitoring area