Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Turbo Tim to Replace The Bernank as Star of the Accelerating Crisis

Stewart Thomson believes that we will soon have a new #1 target to parody in the ongoing saga that is the US debt/financial crisis.
For those concerned that if congress does not reach an agreement on a debt limit increase we will see 2008 all over again, Thomson has wise advice:

I told you that the head of the US Treasury, (currently Tim “The Terminator” Geithner) would begin to show his teeth, and eventually replace Ben Bernanke as star of the accelerating crisis show. Here are the latest inspirational words for Elmer Fudd public investor, from Timmy the terminator, "…it’s going to feel very hard, harder than anything they’ve experienced in their lifetime now, for a long time to come…." –Associated Press, July 10, 2011.

I have repeated many times to you, “The crisis has barely started, and financial Fudd blood will flow”. Is anyone listening to the terminator? I would suggest you consider reading his words several thousand times, before you rush to your trading computer this morning, pounding, “sell everything gold, it’s 2008 and 1980 again!”

It’s not 2008 again. It’s not 1980 again. It’s 2011, and the financial end of you (again?), if you act on those thoughts.

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