Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Radiation Hits .18 Microsieverts/Hr in Tokyo, Soil Samples Have 1/3 As Much Radiation as Fukushima Schoolyard

Reports are indicating that the Japanese government is essentially manipulating Tokyo radiation data lower by testing at a height of 18 meters!  It should come as no shock then that a Japanese citizens group who measure at 1 meter has commonly detected radiation levels of .18 microsieverts/ Hr in Tokyo's eastern Koto Ward- more than triple the government's readings!
Even more disturbing, soil samples in Tokyo have detected 2,300 becquerels/kg of radiation- roughly a third of the levels found in soil samples in Fukushima over a month after the nuclear melt-downs!
We have been saying almost from day one that the unfortunate end-game to this horrible disaster is the complete evacuation of the largest metropolitan city in the world, Tokyo.  With soil samples 1/3 of the contamination at Fukushima, and no end in sight to the continued release of radiation, it is clear that the sooner one leaves the better.

From the Japan Times:
The Group to Save Children in Koto") found that some areas in Koto Ward, located in the eastern part of the capital, had a maximum hourly reading of 0.18 microsievert of radiation.

The metropolitan government checks levels of radioactivity at an elevation of 18 meters in Shinjuku Ward, where the maximum hourly reading was about 0.06 microsievert on Tuesday.
But Ishikawa insists such readings are unreliable and should be taken at about 1 meter above the ground.
"We request that the Tokyo government and Koto Ward properly check the radiation levels, especially around school areas and parks," she said.
According to Ishikawa, her group, which has about 35 members, checked the soil and air in Koto Ward for contaminants between May 21 and 25 with the help of Kobe University professor Tomoya Yamauchi.
Yamauchi, an expert on radiation physics, said high levels of contamination were detected in soil, especially around a plant in Koto Ward that produces sludge, an ingredient in cement, where the level reached 2,300 becquerels per kilogram.
That level is about a third of the 6,550 becquerels per kilogram detected at a schoolyard in Fukushima Prefecture in April.

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