Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Martin Armstrong: A Third Party on the Horizon for 2016?

Many have speculated that an independent/ 3rd party candidate could become the POTUS as soon as 2012.  While we think its unlikely that the Illuminati/ banking cable lose their grip on the US political landscape by next year (unless of course its their OWN 3rd party candidate), Martin Armstrong's latest examines his belief of the very real likelihood of a rise of the 3rd party in America in 2016.
Armstrong demonstrates that his 51.6 year Economic Confidence Model applies to politics as well.
Previous cycle peaks that resulted in enormous 3rd party swells include the war of 1812, the civil war in 1860, WWI soon after the second peak in 1912, and the assassination of JFK and removal of silver as currency in 1964.
Armstrong goes so far as to call the next projected peak of 2016 "the YEAR FROM HELL!"

The Presidential Elections
2016 The Year From Hell, A Third Party on the Horizon?