Saturday, March 26, 2011

TEPCO Admits Radiation Leaking into the Sea

TEPCO today admitted they have been covering up information that large amounts of radiation are flowing into the sea at Fukushima.  TEPCO's official statement tried to downplay the situation, saying it's not a big deal, because no one is allowed to fish within 20 km of the plant.  Unreal.

From Kyodo

"Radioactive iodine-131 at a concentration 1,250.8 times the legal limit was detected Friday morning in a seawater sample taken around 330 meters south of the plant, near the drainage outlets of the four troubled reactors, the government's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said Saturday.
The level rose to its highest so far in the survey begun this week, after remaining around levels about 100 times the legal limit. It is highly likely that radioactive water in the plant has found its way into the sea, TEPCO said."

"TEPCO's Fukushima office acknowledged Saturday that it had known earlier that the radiation in the underground level of the turbine building of one of the reactors was extremely high, but had not made the information available to pertinent parties."