Wednesday, June 15, 2011

US Mint Official to CNBC: "Fort Knox is a Closed Facility"

As our readers are aware, Ron Paul has been strongly pushing for an audit of the Fort Knox gold. Steve Liesman, CNBC's senior economics reporter decided to do a story on the topic, and CNBC requested a tour of Fort Knox to obtain video footage of the gold for the report.  A US Mint official responded by saying that no one from Congress has toured Fort Knox since 1974, and that Fort Knox is a closed facility.

Well, it appears safe to say we can reduce the Treasury's $15 million estimate to conduct an audit down to about $5 to cut the padlock and flip the lights on.
Its also safe to say that someone at CNBC is losing their job over the publishing of these comments.

As a postscript to the story, CNBC asked for a tour of Fort Knox to film the gold, since our only footage of Fort Knox is from 1974. An official at the Mint told us that he was not aware that any member of Congress had toured the facility since that year. Fort Knox is "a closed facility," the official said.

Click here for full CNBC report: