Thursday, June 2, 2011

Texas Moves to Bring Anti-TSA Groping Bill Back For Special Session

Maybe those Texans do have a pair after all.  (Or else maybe enough of our like-minded Texan friends made their thoughts on the matter crystal clear to their legislators)
Regardless the reason, Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst who only last week helped sabotage the bill which would have made sexual groping without probable cause a felony, has done a complete 180, and has written Texas Gov. Rick Perry asking the measure be brought before the legislature in a special session.
If Gov. Perry complies, the great news is that in a special session, a 2/3rds majority is not needed to pass the legislation, only a simple majority.
We are sure Janet Napolitano is currently releasing a string of profanity suitable for a good Vietnam war flick as she hears the news.  Look for the intimidation to escalate.
More as we hear it.

Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, who played a pivotal role in sabotaging a bill that would have criminalized TSA groping in the state’s airports, has written a letter to Gov. Rick Perry asking for a special session.

Only the Governor may call the Legislature into special sessions, unlike other states where the legislature may call itself into session.
Dewhurst wants a number of legislative issues taken up in the special session, most notably redistricting and Rep. David Simpson’s bill making groping without probable cause a felony.
After federal intimidation – threatening to shut down air traffic in Texas – Simpson’s bill failed to get the two thirds vote necessary. The Western Texas Division U.S. District Attorney’s office sent the threatening letter prior to a vote on HB 1937.
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