Thursday, June 16, 2011

Jim Sinclair: If QE Ends June 30th, the Stock Market Would Peel Off 4,000 Points

Elmer Fudd Investor if Fed Ceases QE
Legendary gold bug Jim Sinclair believes that if QE 3 does not immediately begin when QE2 ends June 30th, that "the stock market would peel off 4,000 points so fast you would get wind burns".  Sinclair believes the drop would be so fast and so severe that QE would immediately be brought back out of necessity in a vastly expanded way.
We agree with Sinclair, although there is one possible way that QE will actually end on June 30th:
If The Bernank immediately proceeds to his next outlined step of GOLD REVALUATION

Click here for Jim Sinclair's entire interview: