Monday, June 13, 2011

Male Escorts Service Bilderberg Members?

Infowars is reporting that a homosexual male in his 20's was paid enormous sums to be flown to the luxury El Paradiso hotel within minutes of the Bilderberg conference to "service a group of important people". 
At least our lowly bankster and politician friends use female escorts.

Following several reports that male prostitutes were being transported to a location near the Suvretta Hotel at which Bilderberg members are stationed in St. Moritz, members of the elitist confab were subsequently photographed leaving the luxury El Paradiso compound and walking back to the hotel.
Indications that male prostitutes were being provided for Bilderberg members began to stir last night following our conversation with a source who worked behind the bar in a hotel five minutes drive down the road from the Suvretta.
Although extremely reluctant to provide details at first, the source, a young homosexual man in his 20′s, admitted to us that he was being flown by helicopter in the morning to the El Paradiso resort to service a group of important people.
The El Paradiso is a luxury getaway that brags on its website about how it provides all manner of pampering services to its clients. It is located about 10 minutes drive up the narrow mountain road from the Suvretta Hotel.
As the conversation progressed, the individual made it clear that the job was not just bar work or waiting on tables.
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