Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Predict Silver's May Close Contest Winner!

The last week of April, we ran a contest for readers to predict silver's May close to win a free US Silver Eagle from SilverDoctors.
Well, the end of May trading is here, and silver has closed May at $38.67.
We took a quick run down through the predictions, and it appears that the winner is Lori, with a prediction of $39.15.  (if we missed a closer prediction, send us your name and prediction and we'll triple check)
Congrats, please contact us to claim your prize!

Surprisingly, the majority of our readers were not anticipating the 5 sequential margin hikes by the CME that smashed silver down the first 2 weeks of May as the median prediction was $58.08 and the average was $59.63.  Perhaps silver would have reached these levels and even surpassed them had the cartel refrained from their dirty tricks.