Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Don't Fall Off the Silver Bull!

  Bet He Wishes He Stayed On The Bull!
As long as over $1 Quadrillion of worthless derivatives remain in the system, gold and silver corrections will be just that- corrections. 
Fear is a healthy thing. It shakes out the newer weak hands, and provides stronger entry points.
Don't let the cartel's shenanigans shake you out of your silver positions.  The more fear you have about your silver position, the more you need to understand your emotions, control them, and buy.  As the correction continues and silver continues to be pushed lower, continue to increase the size of your buy orders- your risk DECREASES with every drop in the silver price! 
Silver is not at risk of going off the board and going into receivership!  There is exactly a 0% chance that the price of silver will go to $0!  The further it falls, the LESS RISK you take purchasing silver!

As any bull rider will tell you, EVERY bull ride will give you ups and downs.  The bigger the bull, the more violent the ride.  The trick is to stay on the bull!
Always seems to work out better for the rider that way.